ID5000A Topside Pig Signaller

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Non-Intrusive Pig Signallers


Online's range of non-intrusive, ATEX rated ultrasonic signallers detect, signal and log the passage of any pipeline pig, onshore and offshore.

Events are signalled as they occur via a graphical display and high brightness LEDs positioned around the perimeter of the display. The unit logs the time and date of up to 99 events. Logged events can be viewed locally on the display or transmitted remotely.

  • ATEX certified non-intrusive Active signaller for use on liquid filled pipelines.
  • Can also be used to confirm the location of pigs in the receiver, as an interface detector and to monitor wax build-up.
  • Quick and easy installation using ratchet straps or steel banding.
  • Minimal set up required ensuring time is not lost setting up multiple parameters.
  • Locator function allows for confirmation that pig pas passed isolation valve.
  • Unit can be installed close to pig receiver door, allowing for easy pig recovery.
  • Main housing can be mounted remotely up to 10 metres from sensor for use on buried pipelines or where access is limited.
  • Temperature range can be extended after consultation with Online.
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