Royal Mech Group We aim to be an Australian Oil and Gas Services company of choice committed to delivering quality projects in a safe and timely manner. Wed, 14 Oct 2020 13:58:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Royal Mech Group 32 32 214972814 Babylon Pump Sat, 04 Jul 2020 04:45:52 +0000

Positive Displacement pumps (Plunger Type) play a significant role in the Pipelines and Process Services. These specialist units can generate a wide range of pressures and variable flow rates. The advantages lie in their high efficiency, their ability to create high pressure and to produce constant volume irrespective of the pressure. Consequently, where an application demands controlled variable flow, they are eminently suited to variable speed drives.

In this regards, triplex plunger pump units are one of the most versatile, time and cost-effective solution for a wide range of pre-commissioning applications that require reasonably high pressures and controlled flow rates. As the high-pressure seal of the plunger pump is not attached to the moving plunger body, but the housing, complex sealing systems are possible. By the correct material choice, it is possible to pump abrasive, corrosive, hot, cold, viscous, toxic and flammable fluids – even under highest pressures. Even sterilisable designs of plunger pumps are possible for any pressure level. For potentially explosive environments, it is possible to construct explosion-proof plunger pumps.

Within pipeline pre-commissioning sector demanding variable pressures and flow rates for different applications, HD 500 triplex plunger units are a game-changer replacing the extensive list of high flow centrifugal pumps, low flow piston pumps & diaphragm pumps from the fleet.

A typical spread layout for pipeline pre-commissioning of a reasonably big-bore lengthy pipeline section typically requires high flow centrifugal pumps to achieve the required flow during flooding, cleaning and gauging operations. At the same time, these pumps should also generate sufficient discharge pressure to meet the static head requirement, especially when the section travels through terrains with significant elevation differences. This demands for bulky fuel guzzlers with immense horsepower to generate such high pressures while maintaining the required flow rates. Upon completion of filling of the section, this unit has to be further replaced by another HP unit capable of generating controlled low flow and very high discharge pressures for pressure testing purposes. Ancillary units are also required in case the scope of work demands for chemical injection. In short, mobilisation, selection of optimum lay down area, rig-up, flow-pressure regulation, post-operational rig down, switching to another equipment etc. consumes a lot of time and effort while choosing the conventional way of setting up a pre-commissioning spread.

This is where the triplex plunger units comes handy and efficient. Royal Oil and Gas through its collaboration with Babylon Pump & Power Limited can offer two types of these units. The AXON Well Intervention HD 500 precision balanced multi-purpose triplex plunger pump is exceptionally versatile, capable of delivering a broad range of pressures, only by changing the fluid end assembly. These Zone II rated, skid mounted 600 HP units with variable gear ratios are capable of delivering flow ranging from 200 LPM @ 9500 PSI up to 1500 LPM @ 2000 PSI, utilising the variable gear system incorporated in the module.

Clubbing multiple units to a single manifold with bypass/isolation valves and utilising the variable gear system enables HD 500 pumps to be preciously used for operations such as Cleaning, Gauging, Flooding, Pressurization, Chemical Injection, Test Medium transfer etc. with a single rig-up in line with flow rate and pressure output required for each operation.

High pressure- steady low flow for testing and chemical injection purposes is available at low gear ratios.
High flow- low-pressure discharge is available at top gear ratios.

Plunger pumps have relatively low Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) compared to typical centrifugal pumps. They hence are easy to rig –up with break tanks /water sources at comparatively lower levels as they also got a suction booster pump and filter incorporated with the module, thereby eliminating chances of suction loss and air entrapment.

Alternatively, Centrifugal pumps have higher NPSH and require additional water winning spread including more diesel-driven or electrical lift pumps, break tanks and real estate to force-feed their suction.
For more information about these pumping units and how we could help you optimise your next pumping spread, feel free to get in touch with us at

Link to Babylon Pump and Power Triplex Pumps:
Babylon Pump HD500 Unit 1
Babylon Pump HD500 Split Skid Unit 2

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A Collaboration from Oil and Gas to Other Industries Sat, 04 Jul 2020 04:38:39 +0000

With the world under siege with COVID19 pandemic and almost all revenue generation streams for corporates to individuals impacted, the fact that we all have a continuous supply of essential services provided by the direct or indirect actions of able governments and remarkable people is worth commending.

Amongst the vital functions, is our energy security. The supply of Gas to our kitchen or fuel to the food trucks – all continued to flow. The Oil price shock leading to a decrease in global demand may derail the production targets and help us re-consider transitioning from Oil to Gas faster than we would have wanted to achieve. However, we could simply not rule out the existential essence of Oil and Gas to our world. The process of transitioning towards greener energy sources is going to happen in decades to come. The transition from Oil to Gas is already becoming visible. CNG buses to Solar Electric Water heaters in our own homes. The transition from Gas to Hydrogen is currently being investigated with huge sentiment and technological backing.

While the type of energy transforms, the medium of distribution will always be around. The pipelines industry goes beyond Oil and Gas. Seawater plants, Freshwater domestic pipelines, Plants supplying Food products, fertilisers, medical and industrial gasses are some examples of where pipelines are an essential part.

The fact that the pipeline industry has survived many crisis and energy transitions is substantiated by cases such as the Iranian archaeologists uncovering a 5,000year-old water pipeline in Iran (2014). The uncovered pipeline pictures looked unrealistically intact for the age.

While pipelines are vastly used across different industries, the most technological advancement and investment has happened in the Oil and Gas sector. Being a considerably high-risk sector, the amount of investment put into Health, Safety and Environment by major corporations and the ability of front line personnel to adapt to the ever-changing (constructively) culture puts us in the right direction to enable transition in decades to come.

The knowledge of getting the Hydrocarbon products from point A to point B safely and efficiently is worth collaborating with any other industry.

Pipeline Pre-commissioning

In standard terms, getting a pipeline ready for the introduction of a product is known as pipeline pre-commissioning. Based on the product and the amount of risk associated with the routing/location of the pipeline, various guidelines exist to ensure no one gets hurt.

In a more sophisticated terminology, pre-commissioning of a pipeline constitutes of some or all of the below:

  • Cleaning and Gauging, or
  • Flooding, Cleaning and Gauging
  • Hydrotesting
  • Dewatering
  • Nitrogen Purging and Packing

Sometimes, when there are some highly corrosive components in the Gas wells, the introduction of such Gas may require the pipeline to be conditioned with a layer of fluid left inside the pipeline. This conditioning process of the pipe wall also is undertaken as part of the Pre-commissioning Campaign.

Pipeline Pre-commissioning involves the use of different types of Pigs. Royal Oil and Gas, being an exclusive channel partner for IK, can provide all different types of pigs and pig detection equipment at extremely competitive pricing. Our inhouse technical competence also allows us to work with IK and potential clients to develop niche solutions to challenging deep-water solutions. In particular, we will talk about Pigs in another associated article this month.

To know more or submit your article, get in touch at We shall be proud to use our website as an open knowledge sharing portal globally.

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Bi-Directional (Bi-Di) Pigs Mon, 29 Jun 2020 12:53:52 +0000

Pigs are tools used to enable pre-commissioning, commissioning, change of service, decontamination or decommissioning of pipelines. Pigs are pushed from one point to another using air, nitrogen, freshwater, seawater, gas, oil, etc. dosed with chemicals to protect the pipeline integrity.

These mechanical tools have come a long way in the past couple of decades to become smarter and changing the way we used to carry out conventional pigging operations.

Many theories exist about the use of the word Pig for this specialist mechanical tool. Alternatively, Pigs are also known as scrappers. One of the most interesting theory came from one of the oldest pipeline industry veteran. He said ‘Pigs squeak when we launch and receiver them’. His words weren’t entirely laughable. Wikipedia’s Etymology about Pigging states

‘Some early cleaning pigs were made from straw bales wrapped in barbed wire while others used leather. Both made a squealing noise while traveling through the pipe, sounding to some like a pig squealing, which gave pigs their name. PIG is claimed as an acronym from the initial letters of the term Pipeline Inspection Gauge.’

Based upon the application, Utility Pigs come in all different types and sizes. They could be metal-bodied, Solid cast, foam, spheres.
Metal Bodies, Solid cast pigs and Foam pigs are widely used in pipeline pre-commissioning. The term Bi-Di refers to the capability of these pigs to travel in both directions.

Foam pigs, being made of mainly foam with a Polymer coating, are usually bound to get damaged in longer pipeline runs or deep water applications (high-pressure pigging runs). Not to forget, they are difficult to insert due to their construction density and over-sizing. When Foam pigs are received, they are also likely to come out with a damaged front end, making it difficult to recover using manual means.
On the other hand, Foam pigs are very useful for coated pipelines or onshore drying operations.

Bi-Di Gauging pigs check the internal ovality and excess weld penetration. The technology allows for the identification of defect location without the need for specialist inspection tools.
To know more about IK smart gauge plates and calliper pigs, get in touch at

As an exclusive Channel Partner for IK in WA/NT, Royal Oil and Gas promotes the use of IK products within Australia. Our collaborations assists to finalize the most appropriate solution for your pre-commissioning needs. From high friction pigs to Batch Pigs fitted with burst discs, you name it, and we will provide it to you.
IK range of bi-directional pigs are available in sizes from 2″ up to 60″ with a variety of body constructions possible, allowing the tools to pass 1.5D radius bends and negotiate full bore branches. As standard, the pigs come with two support/guide discs which assist with loading and centralisation in the pipeline and four sealing discs which drive, seal and scrape. Extra discs can be added if the scraper is to be used over long distances (>150km) or the pipeline conditions are particularly arduous.

  • All pigs can be supplied with polyurethane bumper noses on request.
  • All pigs can be fitted with Online Electronics tracking equipment.
  • Can be provided with a stainless steel body and Isotope Housing.
  • All pipeline mediums can be accommodated.

Further references to IK and Online electronics Pig tracking products can be found at links below:

Feel free to get in touch for your requirements in WA/NT directly at

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Pig Detection Equipment Sun, 28 Jun 2020 02:27:37 +0000

Following on from the successful cleaning and gauging of a newly laid line, the hydro test takes place followed by the subsequent dewatering and, potentially, drying of the line. At this stage, it is vital operators can collate the necessary data to allow them to move efficiently between these stages and minimise costs.

Many pipeline systems consist of challenging internal geometry – the combination of tee pieces, wye pieces and complex subsea fittings found in manifolds & heavy wall pipe on FPSO topsides combined with the usual bends require careful pig design consideration. In addition, the appropriate pig tracking, locating and signalling methodology needs to be selected.

Lost or stuck pigs can result in extensive downtime and significant additional expense. For this reason, pigs are frequently monitored during launch and receipt and when passing points in a pipeline that are deemed to pose a risk such as a valve, river crossing or other feature. This could be the case for all sizes and locations of pipelines regardless of whether managing a pipeline onshore or subsea, a buried pipeline, pipelines of varying wall thickness or a pipeline with geometric or operational challenges.

Online Electronics (IK Group) range of compact magnetic signallers detect magnetic pigs in any pipeline medium, removing any uncertainty over pig passage allowing operations to continue on schedule. Minimal set up is required ensuring that time is not wasted setting up various parameters.

Events are signalled as they occur via a graphical display and high brightness LEDs positioned around the perimeter of the display. The unit logs the time and date of up to 99 events. Logged events can be viewed locally on display or transmitted remotely.
We provide an integrated pigging solution by combining a full range of pre-commissioning pigs along with tracking and locating devices. Pigs can be fitted with magnets to remove ferrous debris from the inside of the pipeline or to operate magnetic non-intrusive signallers. Majority of our pigs can be designed to house Online Electronics tracking devices.

Once a pipeline has been commissioned and is operational, pipeline pigging is still an important consideration. Routine maintenance is vital in order to ensure regular, safe & efficient operation throughout a pipeline’s lifetime.

Regular pipeline cleaning and inspection will improve the efficiency of a pipeline resulting in:

  • Reduced operating and maintenance costs
  • Increased pipeline lifetime
  • Improved product output
  • Improved pipeline performance, flow assurance and integrity

Routine pigging can present several challenges, and the risk of a pig becoming lost or stuck should always be considered. Until located, lost or stuck pigs can result in considerable downtime and significant extra expense.

As an exclusive Channel Partner for IK in WA/NT, Royal Oil and Gas promotes the use of IK products within Australia. Our collaborations assists to finalise the most appropriate solution for your pre-commissioning needs.

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Advantages of using twin air compressors in pipeline pre-commissioning Sun, 28 Jun 2020 02:04:22 +0000

In 1762, the inventor John Smeaton found a way to rig a water wheel to power a blowing cylinder, and with industrial revolutions, more change was soon to come. A few years later, Englishman John Wilkinson’s hydraulic blowing machine came to prominence. It was this hydraulic blowing machine that became the inspiration for modern air compressors. It was no surprise that the idea caught on, as, during this period, air compression was making its way too many different industries. As emerging technologies got implemented across all industrial fields, compressors also didn’t have a chance to settle down the same way rather than getting evolved to meet new operational demands.

Air compressor is one of the unavoidable elements in the pipeline process & pre-commissioning industry, and there had always been a demand for compressors with higher discharge efficiency and compactness in this sector. Especially with the offshore pre-commissioning work scopes, size of the spread compared to its output matters due to limited availability of laydown area. Every manufacturer is trying to optimise the compressor design to increase the ease of handling, rig up & minimising the laydown area requirement without affecting the performance of these machines. Atlas Copco’s Twin Air Compressor, chosen for the benefit of having two high-pressure air compressors contained within one 20’ CSC/DNV container is the best example. Thereby, operation of one individual compressor at 960cfm or running them both simultaneously for a combined output of 1920cfm at a maximum working pressure of 365 psi is possible. Royal Oil & Gas in collaboration with Airpac Bukom’s Oilfield services promote the use of this state of the art Twin Compressor module as a critical equipment in pipeline pre-commissioning.

These units can be safely double stacked for storage, providing economy of critical space. Airpac Bukom’s Twin Air units are fitted in a DNV 2.7-1 / CSC certified 20ft x 8ft container, providing high output and versatility while maximising space. This containerised unit with ISO twist locks are well adapted to be rigged up for work where the available area for rig up is limited.

For instance, while setting up a Nitrogen spread for offshore pre-commissioning, number and size of equipment matters as loading, mobilisation, unloading and rig up, cost, time and effort etc. are to be considered. A typical nitrogen membrane unit of 6000 SCFM (95% purity) requires at least 11000 SCFM of compressed air at 24 bar. With conventional spread setup consisting of 1000 CFM compressors, x 11 Numbers plus an additional 2 unit’s standby each with a footprint of 5.5m x 2.5m (13.75 m2), an overall area of 178 m2 of deck space area is required. On the other hand, setting up the spread with latest twin compressor modules demand for only for six units of them plus an additional one as standby each with a footprint of 6.0m x 2.5m (15 m2) and the required deck space is reduced to 112 m2 without any compromise in the performance parameters. Apart from this loading, rig-up, maintenance, operations etc. comes handy.

Thereby, Royal Oil and Gas’s expertise in sizing your next Pipeline Dewatering & Drying Project along with Airpac Bukom’s Twin Air compressors can help you save time and money. For more information, get in touch with us at

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