Diver Held

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Acoustic Pig Locating


Online's range of acoustic receiver systems, when used in conjunction with an acoustic pinger, provide a reliable means of tracking and locating a stuck pig in a subsea, liquid filled pipeline, resulting in substantial cost savings. The range of receivers also allow for detection of a signal from subsea warning beacons or alarm pingers.

The diverse range includes ROV and diver held solutions to suit various applications.

The receivers can be tuned to a wide range of frequencies, making them compatible with most other manufacturer's equipment.

  • The PR1 pinger receiver is a portable handheld acoustic receiver designed for locating and tracking acoustic pingers subsea.
  • Directional allowing for increased precision when locating.
  • Durable design ensuring long life in a marine environment.
  • Parameters such as volume, frequency and sensitivity can be manipulated subsea by the diver. This, along with the built in signal strength indicator, provide the diver with full operational control of the unit.
  • Powered by a internal rechargeable NiCad battery pack removing the need to transport spare batteries offshore.
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