Supplier Code of Business Conduct

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Our Vision is to be an Australian Oil and Gas Services company of choice committed to delivering quality projects in a safe and timely manner. We create value by building a collaboration of specialist local and global teams working together to Innovate and Succeed in adding measurable value to our customers.

To achieve our Vision, we will:

  • Collaborate locally to deliver globally
  • Innovate by challenging the convention
  • Succeed together to create sustainable local businesses

We are committed to sustainable, ethical and socially responsible procurement. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest industry standards, acting in accordance with our Integrated QHSE Policy, Procedure for Purchasing and Evaluation of Suppliers, supporting standards and frameworks. We expect our suppliers to be aligned with our standards and vision.

We’re committed to working with you to identify best practice, improvement opportunities and drive mutually benefcial value.

We view our suppliers as Collaboration partners and this Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) sets out our minimum expectations of your company and your supply chains in providing goods and services to our organisation and the broader Australian community.

By integrating sustainable procurement policies and practices into our operations we generate positive opportunities and manage risks for sustainable social, environmental and economic outcomes. Our procurement decisions aim to enable affordable, reliable and sustainable energy solutions for our customers, by considering the following:

  • placing safety first
  • supporting local content and Indigenous business engagement in our procurement activities
  • ensuring high standards of probity, accountability and good governance for all stakeholders
  • committing to fair, open and effective competition
  • seeking opportunities to improve environmental, social and economic impacts on the community and supply chain through our procurement activities.
  • If you engage sub-contractors when providing goods or services to us, you must make them aware of this Code.

    Our Sustainable Procurement Framework considers four key sustainability impacts:

I. Business Ethics

Royal Oil and Gas expects you to:

  • follow transparent business processes and high standards of business conduct
  • make decisions throughout the supply chain without confict of interest and with safeguards against the giving or receiving of bribes
  • comply with the laws and regulations of your own country and, where relevant, exported products must comply with laws in force in destination countries.

Legislative compliance
You will comply with all applicable laws and regulations on bribery, corruption and prohibited business practices, e.g. the Competition and Consumer Act in Australia.

You must ensure that your business behavior is beyond reproach and you do not engage in any fraudulent or corrupt activities including, but not limited to, bribery, pay-offs and money laundering. You must disclose all conflicts of interest (whether actual, reasonably perceived or have potential to arise) to us as soon as possible.

Risk management
You will proactively manage risk by implementing policies and practices aimed at identifying and managing strategic and operational risks, vulnerabilities and compliance obligations and work to safeguard Royal Oil and Gas, our customers, employees, brand and assets by communicating relevant concerns in a timely manner.

Information security
We expect you to comply with data privacy and security laws, take all reasonable steps to protect confidential information and any data obtained and respect intellectual property rights, including formally negotiating any access, licence or use of intellectual property.

2. Community

Royal Oil and Gas expects you to:

  • commit to seek out opportunities to support local industry development
  • ensure that marginalized groups are included and participate in relevant and appropriate procurement opportunities
  • seek diversity and equity in the market, encouraging a diverse base of suppliers such as minority or under-represented suppliers (e.g. registered Indigenous businesses).

Local content
We value suppliers who support national and local strategies to ensure local suppliers are engaged at all levels through procurement activities (including sub-contracting)

Supply chain diversity
We’re committed to connecting our communities, engaging a diverse supplier base including multi-cultural, Indigenous-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, disability and social enterprises.

3. Environmental

Royal Oil and Gas expects you to:

  • commit to the effcient use of resources, to use fuel and water conservatively
  • dispose of waste and manage all key environmental impacts in a responsible manner
  • consider the impact of your business activities on the environment and to monitor environmental performance with the aim of continuous improvement over time.

Environmental management
You will:

  • comply with all relevant local and national laws and regulations on environmental management and reporting
  • disclose any breach of licence requirements and potential risks in a timely manner
  • establish and maintain a written environmental policy and Environmental Management System aligned to ISO14001 including a data collection process aimed at tracking and supporting environmental performance reporting and compliance.

Environmental impact
We are committed to proactively reducing our environmental footprint and expect you to share this principle by engaging in positive initiatives (including the reduction of carbon emissions, hazardous waste and deforestation practices) in your operations and supply chains.

4. People

Royal Oil and Gas expects you to:

  • provide a safe working environment for your employees, to make safety an integral part of work activities and to strive for continuous improvement in your safety standards and performance, with the goal of zero injuries at all work locations
  • implement good employment practices and treat employees fairly, to respect the rights of employees, provide a work environment free of discrimination, and for there to be no use of forced or child labour.

Health and safety
We put safety first and expect our suppliers to do the same. You are expected to maintain and improve the health and safety of your employees, customers, contractors and visitors by:

  • ensuring the provision and use of appropriate workplace policies, safe operating procedures, risk management practices, training and protective equipment
  • complying with all relevant local and national laws and regulations on work health and safety management and reporting.

Labour rights
You will comply with all applicable laws related to wages, employment conditions, working hours and legally mandated benefits. You will allow employees the freedom to associate, to collectively bargain and to be represented by an industrial organisation.

Human rights
You will:

  • ensure you comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2018, International Bill of Human Rights and other national and international standards
  • ensure all human rights are upheld and there is no form of child, forced or involuntary labour in your entire operation.

Workforce inclusiveness
We value diversity in our workforce, and recognize that an inclusive workforce, reflective of the wider community we serve, is better able to understand and meet our strategic objectives and the needs of our customers. We foster an inclusive workplace that aims to be free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and other unlawful workplace behaviors.

We expect you to promote these principles in your own workplace and actively support a diverse labour base by encouraging equity and inclusion relating to gender, age, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and cultural background.